In the AEC industry, buyers usually don’t buy on impulse. In fact, after visiting your website, it could be a year or longer before that visitor is ready to hire you. After a few months, most prospects will struggle to recall your firm’s name or website address, especially if they have visited a number of different architects.
Getting found by those prospects is just the first part of the puzzle. You’ll also want to capture visitors’ contact information so you can keep your firm top of mind through email reminders and newsletters.
We’ll talk about email in the next section, but how do you get someone’s contact information? If you are relying on your ‘contact us’ form, don’t hold your breath. Think about it, when was the last time you voluntarily used a contact us form to register for more emails in your inbox.
The truth is, no one is going to give you their email address unless they have a good reason to do so. That’s where Value Offers come in.
What’s a value offer?
A value offer can be a simple checklist or reference sheet or they can be detailed ebooks and white papers. The best value offer is whatever information you think your potential clients will want enough that they are willing to get on your mailing list.
It can take some experimenting and trial and error to find an effective value offer, but when you do find something that works, it can be a huge help in building up your email list with interested prospects.
Getting started
We recommend starting with something simple. For example, create a pre-project prep list that visitors can download. This is a simple list that helps clients understand what items they will need to complete prior to starting work with you.
Another example of a value offer might be a free consultation call. We generally don’t recommend these calls for clients who are in the shopping around phase, however they can be effective for clients who are closer to getting started with their project. If you wanna learn more about how Can You Get Architecture Projects Online click
Marketing qualified vs sales qualified leads
Value offers are an important part of what is known as the conversion process, i.e. converting casual website visitors to marketing qualified or sales qualified leads.
A marketing qualified lead is someone who has expressed interest in your firm. They become qualified when they are willing to take action to learn more about how you work or the service you offer, i.e. download your value offer.
A sales qualified lead is someone who takes further action to speak with you directly about your services, e.g. scheduling a consultation call.
Buyer typically move through four stages during the sales cycle. These include:
- Becoming aware of your services
- Taking an interest in your services
- Making a decision about hiring your services
- Taking action to hire your services.
If you do not have value offers on your website, it becomes much more difficult to move prospects through these stages. If they visit your website but there is no value offer, you have no opportunity to stay in touch with them and the chances of them returning are slim.